An operating system is the interface between the computer hardware and the end user .Processing of data running applications, file management and handling them memory is all managed by the computer OS .

Windows , Mac , Android are example of operating system which are generally used now a days .


Batch operating system

·      There is no direct communication between the computer and the OS .

·      There is an intermediate the operator which needs to distribute the works into batches and sort similar jobs .

·      Multiple users can use it .

Real time operating system

·      The processing time is very small between the user command and the output .

·      Used in fields when the response need to  be quick and rapid .

Time sharing operating system

·      Multiple people at various terminator can use a program at the same time .

·      The main motive is to minimize the response time .

Embedded operating system

·      These special operating systems are built into larger system .

·      They are generally are limited to single specific function like an ATM .

Network operating system

·      They have one main server which is connected to other client servers .

It is also a secure operating for working with multiple users