The device which displays all the icons , text , images tec .Over a
screen is called the monitor .
When we ask the computer to perform an action , the result of that action
is displayed on the monitor .
An device which makes a copy of the pictorial or textual content usually
over a paper is called printer .
Multiple types of printer are also available in the market ,which can
serve different purposes .
A device through which we can listen to a sound as a outcome of what we command a computer to do is called a speaker.
Speaker are attached with a computer system and also are a hardware as
device which can be attached separately .
Input or Output is the computer talk with the world around it . sometimes
it necessary to add functionally to a computer to keep it up to date or make it
better . The amount of I/O a computer has can be change by adding expansion
cards that support I/O.
CPU or processors perform computation .They do the math for your calculator
application they compare the size of numbers , people have likened the CPU to
the brain of a computer .
Memory is what allows a computer to remember things similar to human
memory there’s no long term memory ( a hard disc or optional media ) ( like a
CD ) and a short term memory ( ram ) when a computer is turned off it forgets
everything in the RAM , so the computer saves everything it knows it will need
later on in the larger term memory . The short term memory is easier to use
because it can do I/O faster , so when a data is needed by the CPU , it send
from the hard disk drive to the RAM .